For safe transportation of beer or quass, breweries use special containers, so called kegs, which are made of stainless steel or plastic. These kegs allow the breweries to save individual taste of each type of beer. Moreover, the quality of transportation mainly depends on proper keg sealing with a special sealing cap.
Sealing caps are very important detail in transportation and beer storage as they isolate rubber gasket and fitting from external pollution and also prevent defects precipitation. Zeta Plus produce sealing caps for kegs, which are today very popular among the most demanding beer and quass carriers.
Sealing cap on a keg is a sign of drink quality, absence of external intrusion and keg integrity during transportation from brewery or warehouse to a sales outlet. Sealing cap ensures zero confusion between supplier and vendor and also strengthens consumer confidence in the seller.
The equipment in our company allows us to produce exclusive sealing caps with branding and also to select individual cap color for each customer. There is possibility to make caps in various shapes. This makes each brand more recognizable and strengthens advertising capabilities of the manufacturer.
Sealing caps, produced by Zeta Plus specialists, adhere to all state quality standards and are absolutely safe when contacting with beer or quass. We can use not only our own molds for production of sealing caps but also molds provided by our customers. Qualified stuff ensures excellent quality and reliability of our products.
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Private Enterprise «Zeta Plus» - high quality plastics products manufacture with European standards. Custom pressure casting of plastics on modern injection molding machines.